Orange trees
The sale of orange trees is just one of the specialities that make up our large collection of fruit trees, in a wide range of presentations and with a comprehensive range of varieties, which enables us to meet all of our customers’ needs.
At Orvifrusa, we have more than 550,000 m2 of crops distributed between four production centres, in Valencia and Badajoz, where you will be able to find a large collection of flowering shrubs, avenue trees, conifers, hedgerows, climbing plants, rose bushes, etc., with different crop presentations, adapted to a wide range of circumstances. Our yearly production is of around 2,620,000 plants, as well as significant assets in technology and premises, which enable us to meet any demand within the deadline set and with maximum quality guaranteed.
Orange trees and the widest variety of fruit trees
In addition to our orange trees, at Orvifrusa we are also dedicated to selling fruit trees such as almond, laurel, hawthorn, grapefruit, apricot, pear, jujube, vines, cherry, loquat, pomegranate, nectarine, fig, limequat, persimmon, lime, kiwi, lemon, etc. This is why we stand out among the prestigious fruit tree nurseries nationally and internationally.
We also have a collection of dwarf fruit trees and with a normal size of fruit, grown in pots and especially suitable for growing on small allotments or terraces: cherry, apple, peach, plum, nectarine pear trees, etc.
With the objective of meeting the high demand in the sector of wholesale selling to large distribution chains, and companies dedicated to gardening, nurseries, public and private works, etc., at Orvifrusa we also have different species of plants in our olive tree nurseries such as Villalonga, Arbequina, Blanqueta, Manzanilla, Frantaio or Picual.
You can discover our products through our online catalogue or by visiting one of our production centres, where we keep a permanent display of all of our plants.

More than 500,000 m2 of crops grown on farms in Valencia and Badajoz, and more than 2,620,000 plants produced each year.
Orvifrusa has the most rigorous and stringent quality certificates that exist on the market: Global GAP, MPS, PPQS.
Orvifrusa operates in the national market and in international markets, including France, Germany, United Kingdom and the Middle East.