As customary in previous years, Orvifrusa team will be in one of the bigger horticulture and garden meeting, IPM Essen, in Germany.
The event will take place this year from 22 to 25 of january at Essen trade fair. This fair had last year more than 1.500 exhibitors from 45 different countries and more than 50.000 visitors.
Orvifrusa comes to Essen hand in hand with the Federación Española de Asociaciones de Productores Exportadores de Frutas, Hortalizas, Flores y Plantas Vivas (FEPEX) and other Spanish companies from the green sector.
Orvifrusa’s stand will be in Hall 6, stand 6A18, where we will bring a sample of our product catalogue: ornamental and mediterranean plant, palm trees, ornamental trees, fruit trees, rose bushes, dwarf fruit trees, DecoplantMed and citrus fruit trees.
If you are going to visit Essen these days, we sincerely invite you to visit our stand, where we will show you the quality of our range of products.